jeans + leggings = jeggings
The new jegging craze had me very skeptical.
I wasn't sure how I felt about the faux denim look on a tight pair of leggings.
However, I have recently noticed the evolution of the jeggings.
Though once a pair of leggings with a denim looking design, they now are an actually jean with a much lighter feel and a touch more spandex.
In my opinion the jegging has taken the legging into a more acceptable daily wear.
So you don't have to worry about the thinness of your cotton leggings under your a-bit-too-short-sweater or looking like you have just stepped out of yoga class when you are headed out for a night on the town.
All of the successful jean companies have started creating their own version of the jegging and offer a variety of styles, from thicker more jean-like pants to skin-tight legging pant that still provides support for the rear but does not stretch out and sag at your knees.
At Fleur we just got our first shipment of jeggings from the new O.T.R line from Anlo Jeans.
The Essential Skinny Legging will make all your jegging dreams come true!

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